Traditional Art

Kyoto is the central city of traditional Japanese arts.In the heian period, as the special culture developed, Japan began to have the painting art alone, and Kyoto has become one of the major Japanese painting creation center.Kyoto is itself many Japanese painting material, the most famous example is the law of outer figure.Kyoto is Japan’s first art school in modern times, Kyoto painting school founded.Kyoto is the tail light Lin, takeuchi habitat chicken, hall this impression and so on Japan, the painter’s birth.In terms of the performing arts, on behalf of the traditional performing arts – Japanese kabuki is finding does in Kyoto.South hill is the first Kyoto kabuki theater, now still is one of the most important Japanese kabuki arena.Besides kabuki, Kyoto can also have, wenle Japan’s traditional art theatre, etc.In the era of peace, regulations to bring tea from China to Japan, Kyoto became the center of the Japanese tea ceremony.

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