
History of Kyoto

Heian-Kyo “tranquility and peace capital”

At the end of the Nara period, in order to get rid of the forces of Nara Buddhist monasteries, in 784 years emperor Kanmu moved the capital from Ping Cheng Jing (now Nara) to Nagaokakyo. But only after less than 10 years in 794 years Emperor Kanmu moved cappital to Heian-kyo (which is now the city of Kyoto),located Yamashiro Province, henceforward Japan opened the Heian period, also began as a history of Japanese capital of Kyoto.

tale_of_genji  Japan Heian Period

The heian kyo’s location reference the feng shui thought, and follow the example of China changan and luoyang, is a traditional system of the city of fang city.The emperor lived in the north of heian kyo , centered on the linnet road, the city is divided intotwo symmetrical parts: right (also called “changan”)  and the left (also called “luoyang”).Heian-Kyo is a large scale and rigorous east Asia traditional city.

1192, yoritomo create shogunate in kamakura, Japan entered the kamakura era.In kamakura shogunate period, Japan essentially political center moved to kamakura, Kyoto is still the most metropolis and the residence of the emperor.

In 1338, with the establishment of the muromachi shogunate, Japan entered the muromachi period, Kyoto is once again become the center of Japanese politics.During this period, great changes have taken place in the city of Kyoto space.City divided into the north and south, the two direction of road replaced the linnet road become the most important street in Kyoto.upper north Kyoto included the emperor live department inside many noble mansion, and the opposite became main business and factory areas. Muromachi period is two of the traditional culture of beishan culture and dongshan culture, namely the period of the Kyoto temple number increased significantly during this period, one of the most famous is the Golden temple and silver pagoda.

Although ravaged by wars, fires, and earthquakes during its eleven centuries as the imperial capital, Kyoto was spared from much of the destruction of World War II. The centuries-old culture of Kyoto can not be submerged.



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